Showing posts with label Food for Pet Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food for Pet Birds. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Food for BUDGIES

Two Budgerigars (also known as Budgies) in lov...
Two Budgerigars (also known as Budgies) in love(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The staple food of budgies in the wild is usually grass seeds. However, in captivity budgies thrive well on a diet of seeds, millets, whole grain bread and sprouts. A varied diet provides all essential nutrients and keeps the budgies well nourished. A varied diet also prevents obesity as opposed to a diet exclusively on seeds.

Place the seeds in a flat dish so that it is easy for removal The feeding can be done once a day. Seeds which have not been eaten by the budgies can be reused. Just blow over the feeding dish to remove the husk and then top up the remaining seeds.

Budgies also love coriander leaves and greens. Beetroot, spinach, lettuce, and cabbage may also be given. Put these leaves into the cage and watch the budgies tear them up into little bits as they eat them. Give only fresh leaves as old or refrigerated leaves may cause digestion problems for the budgies. Remove any leftovers from the cage.

Foods NOT to be given
Do not give Avocados, chocolates, apple seeds, coffee, tea, tomato leaves, peach seeds, eggplant, peanuts, etc to your budgies as these contain substances which can prove to be toxic to the budgies.

Water for Budgies
Budgies need fresh water every day. Keep a constant supply of water in the cage. Replace the water if it has become soiled. Special water dispensers suited for birds are available. This prevents the water from getting soiled.

In the wild, budgies descend in large groups over water bodies. They love to bathe. You can keep a shallow bowl of water and watch them bathe. Bathing water can be provided twice a week.

CuttleBone for Budgies
Budgies, especially female, need calcium as they lay eggs. Calcium deficiency can cause a dangerous condition called egg binding in female budgies where the eggs, having soft shells due to lack of calcium, get stuck in the vent, causing death.

Hence, it is vital that the diet the budgies eat contains a lot of calcium. The Cuttlebone is a common source of calcium. Cuttlebone, as the name suggests, comes from the cuttlefish. It is available in all pet stores. The cuttlebone may be placed inside the cage. Some pet owners prefer to crush the cuttlebone into powder and add to the budgies' food.

You can also provide other sources of calcium for your budgies such as broken eggshells and commercial calcium supplements which are available in the market.

Another alternative would be to use mineral blocks. Mineral blocks are supplements which contain calcium as well as other ingredients such as phosphorus, zinc, Iron, Magnesium, etc necessary for the health of the budgie.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Best SEEDS For PET BIRDS - 3 Sources of Nutritious Seeds For Your Bird

Bulk Pet Food - Ring Bros Market Cape Cod
Bulk Pet Food - Photo  by      Shannon At Zeer
If you've been reading up on what seeds are best to feed your pet bird, you've found that there are literally thousands of different types of seeds for pet birds.

Birds, like people, eat with their eyes as well as their mouths. Their seeds need to be colorful with different textures to stimulate interest and appetite. In the wild birds would be able to choose a variety of different looking and tasting seeds, but in captivity, they depend on you to provide an interesting and varied presentation. Here are 3 nutritious sources of seeds to add to your bird's diet. To avoid pesticides and another additive organic is best.

Sprouted Seeds-Before seeds sprout they are high in fat content because that is the food used to help it grow leaves and start to become a plant. Once it sprouts the fat is used and the sprouted seed becomes a little plant that is the source of a nutrient-rich diet. And as the seeds continue to sprout each day, they provide a different nutrients-a gift that keeps on giving comes to mind. You can choose to sprout your own organic seeds or buy a sprout mix. Sprouted seeds are a great way to give your bird fresh greenery daily. It may seem tedious at first, but like anything else, once you have your system down you'll find it to be a cheap but wholesome way to supplement your bird's diet. Broccoli, kale, sesame, sunflower, radish, popcorn are just a few of many that will provide vitamins and minerals that your bird needs to stay healthy.

Vegetable Seeds-Most of the vegetables that we can't wait to deseed are exactly the seeds that are best for birds. Foods like pumpkins, squash, bell peppers in any color, and cucumbers all contain wonderful sources of nutrients that are wholesome but don't cost you any extra money to provide. So the next time you're planning a meal that includes any of these, share with your feathered companion.
Fruit Seeds-Another great source for seeds, fruits are rich in nutrients and many like seeded grapes have a double advantage in that they allow your bird to hunt for the seed that's inside.

Others to provide include pomegranate, apples, oranges, watermelon, honeydew melon, and cantaloupe. The advantage of feeding your bird fresh seeds cannot be overstated and will pay off in healthier, more vibrant feathers, a bright-eyed bird with lots of energy, and one that is more likely to resist disease and infection because of the strong immune system that these nutrients foster. The very foods that keep your feathered friend healthy also keep you healthy, and that's a great payoff as well.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Things You Must Never FEED Your PET BIRD

Bulk Pet Food in Cape Cod
Photo  by Shannon At Zeer 
This article offers certain foods that you, being a bird owner, should never feed to your pet bird. If you have questions concerning a particular type of bird seed or fruit, consult your veterinarian. Buy your bird seed from a reputable producer like ABBA or Kaytee and read about the native diets of your bird species and supply a diet that features birdseed, fruit, and vegetables that closely resembles the natural food source of your particular bird species.

Before purchasing a bird as a pet, read and collect information on certain things to do and not to do. There are many species of bird that, if cared for properly, will be lifetime companions and family members.

Every responsible bird owner should know that there are certain foods and specific ingredients that must never be fed to a pet bird. Here is a list of six (6) food items that should never be fed to a bird or caution must be taken in the preparation of the food.

1. Chocolate, unfortunately, is not for the birds. That wonderful candy bar will mean disastrous consequences for your bird. Chocolate is incredibly harmful to a bird's digestive system. Initially, chocolate will cause vomiting and diarrhea. It can then impact the central nervous system resulting in seizures and eventual death. Chocolate and food containing chocolate ought to remain well out of reach of your feathered friend.

2. Though fruits are without a doubt good for birds, there are types that should by no means be given to birds. These include apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, and pears. The reason is rather stunning. These fruits contain minute amounts of cyanide within their seeds which is an incredibly dangerous and a likely lethal substance even in trace quantities. Birds can eat portions of these types of fruit so long as it is cut away from the seeds or core. Also, always clean fruit prior to giving to your pets, children or yourself. Damaging chemicals present in pesticides are often detrimental to small animals such as birds.

Avocado is one fruit that should never be given to your pet bird. Skin of the avocado may cause cardiac distress and heart failure in certain bird species. Better safe than sorry with the avocado so don't even bother letting them try it.

3. Certain types of vegetables are often harmful. Onions may cause acute digestive problems and mushroom, which is really not a vegetable but a fungus can lead to respiratory distress, kidney failure, and death. While some veterinarians and pet owners are worried about giving pet birds particular vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes, these vegetables are not unsafe if they are cleaned and sliced prior to offering it to your pet. Remember, check with your veterinarian when you have concerns about any food source, including fruits, vegetables, and bird seed.

4. Even if you like to have a few, never ask your pet bird if he or she wish to join you for a drink. Alcohol depresses a bird's organs which, in some cases, is fatal. Caffeine is incredibly harmful to birds also. It causes a cardiac malfunction in birds and, in some cases, can cause arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, hyperactivity, and increased heartbeat. Keep alcoholic and caffeinated drinks well from reach and out of areas where your bird can access them. Aside from water, natural fruit or vegetable juice is good. It can provide the additional nutrition your bird needs.

5. Salt or products containing salt should never be given to birds. Like in humans, excess salt often leads to dehydration, kidney dysfunction, thirst, and death. Due to their small size, it does not require a great deal of salt to have negative effects.

6. Finally, never offer your pet bird dry or raw beans. Dry or uncooked beans contain a poison called hemagglutinin. Hemaglutinin is no longer a concern after the beans are cooked so if you desire to offer beans to your bird, cook them first.

These are 6 food items that you need to avoid feeding your feathered friend. Knowing and avoiding these and other damaging food items will help ensure they will live for a long time. Pet birds can be very expensive. Don't take a chance with your bird's health by feeding it food that can be dangerous. So what should you feed your pet bird to keep it healthy and happy? To play it safe, provide a good quality seed and pellet diet and supplement with approved fruits and vegetables if desired. This way you will keep the bird healthy and happy.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

FOODS that you can Feed your PARROT

Parrot food I .......DSCF4310a
Photo  by SantaRosa OLD SKOOL 
When children hear about parrots, the first thing that comes to mind is that this bird is usually on the shoulder of a pirate and it can talk.

Though this creature has a habit of wanting and eating a cracker, studies have shown that this magnificent and colorful animal needs more than that in order to maintain a healthy diet.

By following these simple tips, the person can find other things, which are also essential to the parrot’s diet.

1. Parrots should have also had some vegetables, cooked meats and grains just like humans. This is because these creatures need the same nutrients that people get from eating such produce.

2. A healthy diet also means giving the parrot the right portions of each meal. If the owner gives too much, this should be reduced. This will take some time to get it right so the individual should just monitor the volume each time this is given to the animal.

3. Parrots get sick very easily. If there is excess food on the plate, this should be removed because this becomes the breeding ground for bacteria and molds.

4. Aside from food, the parrot must also be given a fresh supply of water daily. This will avoid making the bird dehydrated, which can also cause it to get sick.

5. Many people see pet owners giving seeds and nuts frequently to the parrot. Studies have shown this should be done sparingly because it does not provide that many nutrients, which are needed for the bird’s diet.

6. Though parrots may eat almost anything that humans eat, these following should never be given. These are chocolates, avocados, caffeine, alcohol, kidney and lima beans.

7. Parrots should be fed twice daily and enjoy it if the food is mixed with water in the bowl.  It is advisable for the pet owner to wash the dish first before and after each meal to make sure it is free from bacteria and other germs that could endanger the life of the bird.

These are just a few tips for feeding the parrot. The owner can read up more by buying a book or doing some research on the Internet.

Before buying any food for the parrot, it will also be a good idea to seek the advice of a veterinarian. This specialist can check on the bird and recommend the proper items to be bought from the pet store.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Are Peanuts Good For PET BIRDS Or Not?

Photo by tamburix
There is no arguing that peanuts contain a lot of essential ingredients like fiber, unsaturated fats, protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. So this is probably one possible answer to your question are peanuts good for pet birds? It will be good to think about feeding your pet with them because there are also some possible negative answers.

Actually, peanuts are seeds, not nuts and they grow underground, they are from the legume family. Their environment is damp, warm and dark which gives the best condition for mold and fungal growth. Actually, those traces of a mold called Aspergillus flavus cause the problem with peanuts. The toxic substance -

Aflatoxin is in fact produced by Aspergillus flavus. It is known that Aflatoxins cause severe liver damage for humans and animals and they are carcinogenic (cancer-causing). The level of toxicity depends on the amount of toxin ingested at one time, age, size, accumulation of the toxin, etc.

If the officials detect contamination after inspecting all peanuts for sale in this country, they reject them. The USDA and The FDA determine the safe levels for Aflatoxin in human foodstuffs and if the product is dangerous, they ban it from going to market. But this safe amount of traces of Aflatoxin in pet food is not very clear, especially for such small creatures as birds.

So the question- are the peanuts bad for your pet birds?- still remains unanswered for all pet owners. Some of them continue to feed their pet birds with peanuts, of course, the amounts are not big and they announce that they haven’t found any ill effect. They assume peanuts as high-energy nutritional and because their birds love them and have fun, they outweigh the risk.

If you have decided to feed your pet bird with peanuts, neglecting the risk, there are some precautions to avoid the deadly Aflatoxins:

1) Be informed about the recent research on pet bird consumption of peanuts

2) The risk of Aflatoxins in dried, heated peanuts is lower so you’d better feed your pet bird unsalted, roasted peanuts

3) To decrease the risk of the growth of Aspergillus Flavus - if you feed your bird raw peanuts, you must be sure they have been grown, stored and shipped properly

4) Give your pet birds no more than 2 or 3 peanuts daily

5) Valencia or Spanish peanuts contain fewer Aflatoxins so use them if it is possible

6) Human grade peanuts are less contaminated than birdseed mixes or animal feed

7) Buy your peanuts from reliable and quality sources you can trust

Consider carefully the risks and benefits of using peanuts as food for your pet birds and the decision is up to you.